Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Pony - Snowflake

Today, we are going to buy a pony! I have always wanted a pony. And this one is going to be my own pony! When we got into the car, I was feeling so exited, I wanted to take my brother's hand and dance around in joy! When we finally got there, I could hardly keep still. 

We went inside and found it full of horses. There were big horses, little horses, fat ponies and tall stallions. But, I wanted to buy a pony. The man led us to the pony section. The colts and fillies were separated. I walked over to the fillies. I looked around and saw one that caught my attention. It was a beautiful white pony. She was looking at me like she was begging me to choose her. We stared at each other for about a minute. Then I rushed forward and threw my arms around her. My dad took the hint and asked, "How much is that pony?"

"That one?" the man asked, pointing to the white pony "that one is 900 dollars". My dad handed 900 dollars to the man and we took the pony home. 

After we got home, I led the pony to her stable. But the pony just sat on the grass. I sat too. I just stared at the pony, trying to think of a good name for her. My brother, Arjun's hen waddled over to us with the paper Snowflake I'd made in her beak. I smiled and said," Oh, I know a good name for you! I will call you Snowflake!" I smiled as I brushed Snowflake's fur. Then I put on Snowflake's saddle and reins and was about to mount when I noticed for the first time that Snowflake seemed a bit worn out, like she had been overworked and not properly fed. I dropped the idea of a ride and let Snowflake rest. I went in our house and brought out a bucket of water, and set it down near Snowflake. Then I went back and got a basket full of apples. The day passed with Snowflake eating and resting, and me watching. When it was bed time, I tucked Snowflake into the stack of hay which was her bed. Then, my dad tucked me into my bed! 

I woke up in the middle of the night. I heard voices; neighing, the stamping of hooves, footsteps and human voices. I got out of bed and went down. My heart nearly stopped. Snowflake's stable door was open. Two men were running around and trying to catch Snowflake, while she ran about dodging them. "Oh no!" I cried. I rushed forward and the men, seeing me, went after me too. One was chasing Snowflake, and the other was chasing me. I tried to get to Snowflake, but the men kept cutting me off. Then, I finally got to her! I mounted her and Snowflake galloped around the house, all the while dodging the two men. I saw my parents watching fearfully from their bedroom window. "Call the police!" I shouted up to them. They nodded and disappeared. The police came in 10 minutes. By that time, I had almost fainted. I did faint when the police came. When I recovered, I ran out to snowflake and hugged her. She had recovered from the shock and nuzzled my nose. We were so happy! No more people like the two men ever came to our house and we lived happily ever after.


  1. You have very good detail and you elaborated a lot. You did a very good job!!!!


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